I punched my baby cousin and then lied about it and told everyone he fainted when they found him unconscious on the floor. Then they went to go look at the security cameras and I knew I was in trouble so I just came clean about it. They watched it anyways and saw how brutal my actions where. Even though they were all my family, everyone got super angry and me and hated me. They told me I should not come back and shunned me over and over .
Dreams can often be influenced by our fears, guilt, or anxieties. In this dream, the act of punching your baby cousin and lying about it could represent a hidden aggression or frustration within yourself. It might symbolize feelings of anger or resentment that you are suppressing or denying. The lie and the act of trying to cover it up could signify feelings of guilt or shame.
The unconscious baby cousin and the security cameras represent a sense of being caught or exposed in your actions. This suggests a fear of being discovered for something negative or harmful. The reaction of your family members becoming angry and shunning you in the dream could represent a fear of rejection or the consequences of your actions.
Overall, this dream may reveal a deep-seated fear of being judged, shamed, or rejected by others due to a hidden aggression or negative impulse within yourself. It could be a reflection of your conscience urging you to address any unresolved feelings or conflicts in your waking life before they potentially cause harm to your relationships.